Saturday, December 3, 2016

It's a learning process

I'm still processing. Well, I guess this is the end. It's been a good run. Thank heaven there was no actual running involved. 

Learning to use these programs often make me question~
This entire quarter has been beneficial for me in regards to various media software I’d been anxious to work with. I’ve wanted to work with Photoshop for a very long time. Although I knew it was involved. I never realized how difficult the program was. However, I think that it is one of those programs that once you get into it you’ll have little to no problem navigating it. There are always tutorials to get

Computer Programs

InDesign drove me crazy, but it was one of my favorite programs to work with at the same time. Growing up I wrote a lot, and even had my writing published in school journals and the local paper. However I never knew how they put those projects together. It was nice to see how I could put a whole book, magazine, or brochure together myself should I wish to. I showed my friends the work I did, and they agreed it looked professional. This is the time when having (even mild)  obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) gets obnoxious.
I regret not being able to get the book cover done in time. I attempted to complete it, but in the end it just didn’t work out.

The podcast.
The podcast was a rough trip. I really wasn’t sure how to approach this, because my partner had so many ideas, and I am not good at saying, “That won’t work.” However I am good at making it work.

My partner, Marco, is a great guy and has many cool ideas. However, they don’t always work so well, and the same goes for mine. After all, this is a learning process. Marco and I wrote out an outline, and questions, but since he kept going off script (which made it more interesting and upbeat) it gave me plenty of material to work with.  I was proud of my ability to paste the dialog together in the podcast and make it sound like it was mostly done in one shot. This is where my OCD kicked back in and I attempted to make it that impossible perfect. One thing I regret is not keeping better track of our sources. I expected certain responsibility to be taken and as I was not the one who took on those, lamentably it is an element missing. Although I attempted to hunt out the necessary information it was futile.

The Websites
The group website was ….

That’s all I’m saying.

Learning to work with Weebly was nice, and I think it is a good program. I also learned I'm not fond Strikingly and their interface.  I wanted to be a graphic designer and had even attempted to get into programs for it, a couple of times, but it never came to fruition.  Getting to build the websites was an opportunity to experience something akin to actual web design, you know without the knowledge of coding. The most frustrating thing about Wix is I could arrange something exactly how I want it. Make it perfect. Save it. AND IT WILL STILL NOT BE WHERE I PUT IT. Often the only way to fix it is to delete the element and recreate it, and even then, sometimes it still won’t work. I gave up on the brochure that kept moving and the box for the transcript under the podcast, kept expanding over the box, so I deleted and replaced it.  The good news I think there’s someone hiring that is just my level of expertise.

Social media site
I have only gone back to Reddit once or twice. I found someone looking for a Korean/English language exchange, so I am in the process of messaging them. It isn't really my favorite social media site, but I think I could utilize it. 

* Personal note.
I am glad this is the only class I had this quarter. I was able to focus on it it and spend more time working on our projects. I just wish I didn't live so far away. That really causes more problems than anything else.